
Imagine Life as Three Bus Journeys is now available as a handy, pocket-sized book. This self-coaching planner uses a systematic approach to help you on the journey you really want to make.

It provides guidance and exercises that will prompt a great deal of soul searching so that you can map out the life you want and take steps towards achieving it.

The exercises include:

  • Gauging your satisfaction with the bus you're currently on and whether or not it's taking you to where you want to be.
  • Documenting what you imagine your fellow travellers on life's bus journey will say about you and how well you have developed and used your potential.
  • Documenting what you achieved along the route of the bus journey of the past and how you have responded to events.
  • Documenting the times you were most happy and why?
  • Identifying your purpose, strengths, talents and values.
  • Identifying and setting your goals according to timescales.
  • Noting everything for which you're grateful.
  • Being aware of the prize for taking action and the price for inaction.
  • Understanding the influence of those in your environment.

Printed by Lightning Source and distributed by Ingram Spark, it's available for £9.99 in the UK and $11.99 in the US. Retailers include, Waterstone's