PIPP procrastination at the post with this strategy

by Mervin Straughan
February 20212

Even with the greatest determination, there are times when procrastination might rear its ugly head.

Procrastination is when we put off doing something and it's the enemy of motivation. 

It's too simple to call procrastination laziness – it’s far more complex than that and the subject of a great deal of research. 

Sometimes it's a reluctance to address negative emotions or a case of low self esteem. 

A helpful way to tackle procrastination is to use the Right Bus Life Coaching four-point PIPP strategy. 

PIPP stands for:

P - Prepare

I - Identify

P - Picture

P - Propel

Here's how the strategy works:

If you’ve resolved to hit the gym or the swimming pool early morning, get your kit ready the night before. This minimises the effort required on the day, removing one excuse for procrastinating.

Match your identity with what it is you want to achieve. If your goal is to exercise through running or to become competitive, it’s better to say: I’m a runner than I’m someone who runs. Identifying yourself by using the ‘runner’ noun helps to create a success identity and accomplishment.  

We take this tip from research into voter turnout during the 2008 US presidential elections. The research team of Bryan, Walton, Rodgers and Dweck found that when citizens were addressed as voters rather than asked about their intention to vote, they were more likely to head to the ballot box.

Paint a picture in your mind as to how different your life will be once you’ve achieved your goal. Some hard work now over a sustained period will bring positive results and make it worthwhile.

And finally propel yourself forward and monitor how you’re feeling as you make progress, documenting what you’re learning about yourself and on the road to success..

There’s no room for complacency so it's best to anticipate that there'll be times when the desire to procrastinate is strong.